
That's right, ground cinnamon. Just sprinkle a generous amount for any of the following uses. Are you ready to have your MIND-BLOWN!!
One of the most amazing wonders of the natural world.
- Cinnamon is an antibacterial. Providing protection against infections whether on the plant or in the soil.
- Cinnamon is an anti fungal. Protecting against powdery mildew, white mold, & bud rot.
- Cinnamon acts as a pest deterrent. Rabbits, Deer and any other veggie loving pest will be immediately disheartened upon breathing in the cinnamon dust. Don't does not cause permanent damage, rather it irritates the nasal cavities for about 30-40 minutes, insuring they will never return. Weekly or bi-weekly treatments recommended.
- Cinnamon is a healing agent. If you accidentally slice your stalks while taking cuttings etc...just rub a little ground cinnamon on the wound & it will heal twice as fast. And with antibacterial & anti-fungal properties, you won't have much to worry about.
- OMG...WTF!!! Cinnamon is a root stimulant. We have cloned cuttings many times with only ground cinnamon & have had equally successful results as with cloning gels. The ultimate rooting powder!
Green Cleaner Solution
My favorite insect, mite & fungicide. This is one the best Organic products out there.
Spider mites, Aphids, fungus gnats, Thrips, all soft bodied insects & mites. Even broad mites & hemp russet mites.
Powdery mildew, white mold, bud rot, all in 1 fungal treatment.
Concetrate...1 or 2oz. per gal
Also works as a dunk on harvest day to kill & rinse any leftover pests or fungus'
Dawn dish liquid is also a great insecticide that will not hurt your plants.... or your wallet
- Choose a clean spray bottle or sprayer for your mixture. ...
- Mix 1 tablespoon of soap per quart of water, or 4 to 5 tablespoons
of soap per gallon of water.
- Mix together thoroughly and use immediately.

Lady Bugs
Ladybugs are general predators that feed on a variety of slow-moving insects including Aphids, Moth eggs, Mites, Scales, Thrips, Leaf Hoppers, Mealybugs, Chinch Bugs, Asparagus Beetle larvae, Whitefly and other slow-moving insects.
Ladybugs are a must-have for organic gardening or organic farming. A ladybug eats insects during both the adult and larval stages, so you can buy ladybugs as adults and continue to have live ladybugs eating through other parts of their life cycle as they reproduce.

Liquid Fence
Made from rotten eggs and garlic...basically.
We drive stakes in the ground around the garden about 12-15ft apart, soak a rag with liquid fence & place atop the stake, then top with an empty catfood can or the cut off bottom of a soda bottle, something to prevent the rain from washing the liquid out of the rags. Nail or screw it to the top of the stake.
We have been able to go 3 months without re-applying & this product has kept all manner of vegetarian pests at bay.